Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli, independent researcher

I am a French/Algerian independent and interdisciplinary international drug policy research based in Barcelona (Spain).

I focus on the legal, cultural, social, historical, and environmental outcomes of drug control laws and policies (including, but not limited to “prohibition”).

I am interested in the ethical and terminological aspects of drugs, and in sustainable development, fair trade, and human rights.

I specialise in hemp/marijuana (Cannabis L.), and to a lesser extent other plants and fungi termed “drugs.”

Diplomatic Conference on Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge (GRATK), Geneva, May 2024 | Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli | | Drug policy reform, ecosystems, environment, sustainability, agriculture, access and benefit-sharing, human rights, international law, cannabis, hashish, haschish, hachich, hachis, hasheesh, marijuana, ganja, gunjah, dagga, kif, bhang, bangui, mbangue, diamba, mariamba, mariguana, marihuana, marijuana, ntsangu, sedenegi, cáñamo, chanvre, hanf, konopi, hemp, funghi, fungi, psilocybe, mushrooms, psychedelics, poppy, coca, coca leaf, Erythroxylum, Erythroxylon, drugs, drogas, drogues, drug control, fiscalización, contrôle des drogues, narcotic, psychotropic, stupéfiant, estupefaciente, estupefaent, dret internacional, derecho internacional, droit international, Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge, Biopiracy, Recursos genéticos, Conocimientos tradicionales, biopiratería, ressources génétiques, connaissances traditionnelles, biopiraterie, europe, afrique, europa, africa, mediterráneo, méditerranée, mediterranean.

Photo credit: © WIPO, 2024.


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